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Our Board

Indigo Montessori is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board works with the teacher-leaders and school community to ensure the long-term financial and programmatic success of the school. First and foremost, the Board works to ensure that the school's activities and transactions are advancing its vision of providing families in Baltimore with an accessible, high-quality elementary Montessori learning environment that is community-embedded and empowering to all children and their families. Additionally, the Board works to ensure prudent use of all assets including finances, facility, and people. Lastly, the Board works to ensure that Indigo Montessori obeys applicable nonprofit laws and regulations.


Teacher-leaders at Indigo Montessori serve as ex-officio board members. At present, Kate Lechner serves as Board Chair, Hannah Richardson serves as Board Secretary, and Sarah Tupper serves as Board Treasurer.



Jodi Kraus

Jodi Kraus works for Starbucks as a Senior Business Analyst. She has surrounded herself with educators her whole life and believes teachers hold the key to our future. Jodi believes in the mission of Indigo Montessori and is happy to support.


Jessie Norvell

Jessica Norvell has been a Legal Case Manager for disability claimants for the past 10 years. She also holds nature-based, child-led, educational play classes for children ages 18 months to 8 years old using the Tinkergarten curriculum. She is excited to use her legal and teaching experience to support the mission of Montessori education. 

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Madeleine Nutting

Madeleine Nutting has been teaching in Montessori schools since 2014. Madeleine has an AMI Elementary certification  and has also received training in Montessori for Ageing and Dementia from AMI. She is also trained as a childbirth doula and early childhood educator. She is a founding teacher-leader for Hyacinth Montessori School, a Wildflower school in Philadelphia.


Hannah Richardson

Hannah Richardson brings two decades of experience in the Montessori field as a teacher, coach, and school leader. She has worked in and led both public and private Montessori schools, consulted with many more and is the founder of Montessori Makers Group. 


Joyce Richardson

Joyce Richardson is a resident of the Reservoir Hill community, and is an active member of the board of the Madison Avenue Development Corporation. She has previously served as co-chair for the board of the Reservoir Hill Improvement Council. Now retired, Joyce spent her career in the Mayor's Office of Baltimore City. Joyce's community organizing skills began with training from Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development.

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